Atom and Void: Essays on Science and Community (Princeton Legacy Library, Princeton University Press, 1989)というオッペンハイマーの講演と試論を編んだ本が手元にあるのですが、他の著作とどのように関係しているのかが気になって調べてみました。
下記の表記中 [IA] は InternetArchiveの略です。また、タイトルの後ろに*を付した文章は、Atom and Voidにも収録されているものです。
★A. Science and the Common Understanding (Simon and Schuster, 1954) [IA]
・Newton: The Path of Light *
・Science as Action: Rutherford's World *
・A Science in Change *
・Atom and Void in the Third Millennium *
・Uncommon Sense *
・The Sciences and Man's Community *
・Appendix I *
・Appendix II *
★B. The Open Mind (Simon and Schuster, 1955) [IA]
・Atomic Explosives--May 1946
・Atomic Energy as a Contemporary Problem--September 1947
・The Open Mind--December 1948 *
・Atomic Weapons and American Policy--February 1953
・Physics in the Contemporary World--November 1947
・The Encouragement of Science--March 1950
・The Scientist in Society --Jannuary 1953
・Prospects in the Arts and Sciences--November 1954
★C. The Flying Trapeze: Three Crises for Physicists (Oxford University Press, 1964) [IA]
・Space and Time *
・Atom and Field *
・War and the Nations *
★D. Uncommon Sense (Birkhäuser, 1984) [IA]
・Travelling to a Land We Cannot See
・The Open Mind *
・Science in Being: Research and the Liberal University
・The Consequences of Action
・Uncommon Sence *
・An Open House
・Prospects in the Arts and Sciences
・An Inward Look
・Tradition and Discovery
・Progress in Freedom
・On Science and Culture
・The Power to Act: The Scientific Revolution and its Effects on Democratic Institutions
・A World Without War
・L'Intime et le Comun--the Intimate and the Open
・To Live with Ourselves
・Physics and Man's Understanding: For the Smithonian Institution Bicentennial
・A Time in Need
★E. Atom and Void: Essays on Science and Community (Princeton University Press, 1989)
・Newton: The Path of Light
・Science as Action: Rutherford's World
・A Science in Change
・Atom and Void in the Third Millenium
・Uncommon Sense
・The Sciences and Man's Community
・The Open Mind
・Space and Time
・Atom and Field
・War and the Nations
・Appendix I
・Appendix II
下記は、Princeton Legacy Libraryのウェブページです。