★Dimitri Gutas, Avicenna and the Aristotelian Tradition: Introduction to Reading Avicennna's Philosophical Works, Second, Revised and Enlarged Edition, Including an Inventory of Avicenna's Authentic Works (BRILL, 2014, ISBN:9004201726)
 ディミトリ・グタス『アヴィケンナとアリストテレス主義の伝統――アヴィケンナの哲学作品読解案内 増補改訂版 附アヴィケンナ真作一覧』


Preface to the Second Edition (2014)

Introduction to the First Edition (1988)

Layout of the Work

Part One: Documents on Avicenna and the Aristotelian Tradition
1. Personal Texts by Avicenna and His Disciples on His Relation to the Aristotelian Tradition
2. An Inventory and Relative Chronology of Avicenna's Major Philosophical Works. Their Organization and Contents in Relation to the Aristotelian Tradition

Part Two: Avicenna's Reception of the Aristotelian Tradition
3. Avicenna's Intellectual Upbringing: The Autobiography and Its Interpretation
4. Avicenna's Conception of the Praxis of Philosophy

Part Three: Avicennna's Integration of the Aristotelian Tradition
6. The Resolution of the Major Points of Conflict with the Aristotelian Tradition
7. The Evolution of Avicenna's Attitude toward Aristotle, the Aristotelian Tradition, and His Own Work
8. The Elaboration of Methods

Appendis: Inventory of Avicenna's Authentic Works


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