★Slavoj Zizek+Glyn Daly, Conversations with Zizek (Polity, 2004, amazon.co.jp)
Introduction: Risking the Impossible
Conversation 1: Opening the Space of Philosophy
Conversation 2: The Madness of Reason: Encounters of the Real Kind
Conversation 3: Subjects of Modernity: Virtuality and the Fragility of the Real
Conversation 4: Tolerance and the Intolerable: Enjoyment, Ethics and Event
Conversation 5: Miracles Do Happen: Globalization(s) and Politics
Conversations (Polity)シリーズには以下のタイトルがある。
☆Bauman & Tester, Conversations with Zygmunt Bauman
☆Beck & Williams, COnversations with Ulrich Beck
☆Castells & Ince, Conversations with Manuel Castells
☆Giddens & Pierson, Conversations with Anthony Giddens
☆Eagleton & Milne, Conversations with Terry Eagleton (forthcoming)
☆Hall & Schwarz, Conversations with Stuart Hall (forthcoming)
☆Sennett & Klinenberg, Conversations with Richard Sennett (forthcoming)
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